SVARA Contests

Contests at the Clubhouse

Over the past couple years we have been opening the club house for DX contests.  It has been a great opportunity for new hams to get the thrill of communicating with people in far off lands -- well beyond the range of the local repeater.   So far, there really hasn't been the emphases on scoring points, but just simply the bragging rights that go with making a contact with someone in Mongolia or Swaziland.

Every time we run these events, we all learn something new.   It is a great chance for experienced hams to Elmer, and an even greater chance for new hams to gain experience.   Whether it's with HF radio operations,  setting up antennas, or simply just hunting down radio stations -- everyone gets the chance to have fun!

ARRL Phone DX 2005
ARRL Phone DX 2006
CQ WW Phone 2006
ARRL Phone DX 2007
ARRL Phone DX 2008
ARRL November Sweepstakes 2009