SVARA Field Day 2005 Photos

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Field Day 2005 was located at Richland Township Park in Hemlock.  
We made hundreds of contacts using Phone, CW, RTTY, PSK, and Satellite!  We operated 6 Radios, and ran 3 generators and a few batteries.  Voice Stations operated on 75/40/20/15/10/2 meters.  CW Stations operated on 40 meters.  RTTY and PSK worked on 40/20 meters.  SSTV operated on 2 meters.  The satellite station made 3 separate 2.4 GHz contacts through AO-51 (Echo).  Congratulations to all the participants, and especially Rick (KC8VOA) for organizing the event this year.
The up's and down's of 20 Meters
Dave's  75 Meter Station generated interest, at some times, he had 6 people
in his Tent -- gathered around the radio.
SSTV Photos from 2005 Field Day
Visiting Boy Scout Radio Operators
2005 Field Day Location