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Amateur Radio Revealed
By: Jennie L. Tuttle, KC0RBV
Wickes and Claytor libraries had an outstanding turn-out for their amateur radio program Tuesday, March 7th. Four volunteers from SVARA graciously donated their time and equipment to provide a PowerPoint presentation about amateur radio, a demonstration of Morse code, and gave participants a chance to make a contact over the club’s repeater. Wickes Library hosted 14 children and 5 adults including Public Libraries of Saginaw Director Trish Burns, Children’s and Youth Services Coordinator Rhonda Farrell-Butler, and a reporter/photographer from the Saginaw News. Around 35 children and 5 adults participated at Claytor Library.
It was only with the assistance of many individuals that this program was a huge success. The author would like to take this paragraph to thank these helpful hams. The first set of thanks belongs to Joe Turner, K8CQF, and John Kraemer, KC8WZM, for conducting activities at Claytor and Gordon Schram, KC8YVD, and Bob Tuttle, N8YXR, for presenting at Wickes. Without these wonderful gentlemen, the program would not have gotten off the drawing board. Additional thanks belong to Ed Ireland, W8HZF, who was kind enough to record the radio exchanges. Thank you Larry Davidson, WD8RIK, who filled in as a contact for Claytor while Wickes was finishing their informational section. Heartfelt gratitude also goes to Keith DeLong, N8XD, for supplying Morse code mice and gathering some of the club’s QSL cards for display at the library branches. Finally, the author would like to thank the entire SVARA membership for their support and donation of repeater time so that the program was possible.
Be A "Ham": Amateur Radio Demonstration (original
by Jennie L. Tuttle, KC0RBV
On Tuesday, March 7th, the Claytor and Wickes branches of the Public Libraries of Saginaw will be hosting a children and teen program on amateur radio at 4 PM. Four volunteers from SVARA will present a short informational slide show and after a demonstration, program attendees will be able to make a contact with another participant at the other branch over SVARA's repeater. Additionally, Morse code mice will be available for attendees to practice with. Materials from the libraries' collections on amateur radio will be displayed to check out. Joe Turner (N8CQF) and John Kraemer (KC8WZM) will be presenting at Claytor, in the basement of the First Ward Community Center. Wickes Library, at the corner of Hess Ave. and Robinwood, will feature Bob Tuttle (N8YXR) and Gordon Schram (KC8YVD). While this program is aimed at children and teens, all ages are welcomed. Please feel free to attend.