2024 |
Project Nights |
Saturday, September 21, 2 pm at
Harry Browne Airport
Coax Cable Tester
KG0ZZ's Coaxial Cable Tester is the easy way to check PL-259
connecters and trace patch cables. For ham radio and CB radio use.
Estimated Cost: $15. Class Size: 10
2023 |
Project Nights |
No project nights scheduled |
2022 |
Project Nights |
No project nights scheduled |
Possible Proposed Project Nights
If you have an idea for a project night or
would be interested in presenting a project, please contact Mike
Dougherty KD8MMH
here. |
Echolink (I'm
Getting hooked up with Echolink. Echolink is a free
voice over the internet connection system. You can use remote
radios, link repeaters together, and talk to people in other parts of
the world using their repeaters. The discussion will show you how
to get connected and using the service. |
A great antenna, that is durable and easy to build. You
choose the band - 2-meters (146 MHz), 1.25-meters (223 MHz), or 70cm
(446 MHz). There are many ways to build j-poles, this project will
concentrate ladder line types. Estimated Cost: $10.
Class size: 10. |
Power Pole Connectors (I'm
The choice of the ARRL ARES program. Learn about the
strengths and weaknesses of the newest power connector to enter the
Amateur Radio scene. Learn the standards, how they plug together,
and how to crimp them on wires. Estimated Cost: $10, includes some
connectors, additional available for purchase. Class Size:10. |
Digital Mode Sound Card Interface
Build a simple sound card interface to work with digital modes liked
PSK31, Olivia 8/500, SSTV, and more. This kit requires basic
soldering and kit building skills. Estimated Cost: $25, includes
sound card kit, jacks, project box and SubD socket. Class Size: 5.
(Easy Digi Communications) |
Power Pole Tester
Build a simple tester to check correct wiring for power pole
connections. Simply plug in this tester to check if the power
source has been wired correctly before you plug in your expensive
radio. Requires one set of 15A Power Pole connectors (black and red
housing, crimp connectors), a 1/4 watt 1K ohm resistor, a Bi-polar
Color LED and Power Pole cover boot. Estimated Cost: $5. Class
Size: 10. |
Coax Cable Tester
KG0ZZ's Coaxial Cable Tester is the easy way to check PL-259
connecters and trace patch cables. For ham radio and CB radio use.
Estimated Cost: $15. Class Size: 5
Installing PL259 Connectors
Interested!) Having
problems installing solder type PL259 connectors? This project will
show you how with just simple tools.
Estimated Cost: $5. Class Size: 10.
(Depending on coax
used, a reducer may be needed for additional cost/)