Project Nights
Sound Card Radio Interface |
Sound Card
Radio Interface (Completed) This interface lets the sound card in your computer make and hear all of the "modem" sounds needed to do digital communications with your radio. This class will be a walk through of building a RASCAL radio to computer sound card interface. Purchase the $29.95 kit that matches your radio from and we will help you put it together in our group project. Clockwise from the left -- Larry (KD8CAA), Aaron (KD8AVA), Jim
(WA8GRI), Ron (KC8YVF), Joe (K8CQF), Lou (KD8BLZ), Kyle (KD8BUK),
and leading the project from behind the camera Keith (N8XD) -- all
participated in the Sound Card Interface Project. All of the
projects were completed and tested before the end of the day. The
next step will be to try out various computer software programs for Slow
Scan TV, PSK31, RTTY, Meteor Scatter, among others. Please visit
our project nights page for other
interesting projects. Update (May 9, 2006) Larry (KD8CAA), Aaron (KD8AVA),
Bill (WA8KFC), Ron (KC8YVF), Bill (W8CWD), Lou (KD8BLZ),
Duane (KD8AUY) and
Keith (N8XD) all met at the Red Cross to try out some of the digital
soundcard programs. We experimented with PSK31, RTTY,
Hellschriber, Packet, MFSK and SSTV. Most members brought their
laptops and we configured the software and sent digital messages to each
other. A few, had laptops, but could only receive so they got to
run the program and monitor the conversations.
If you would like more information about any of these projects, or have a suggestion for a new project, please fill out the project interest form. |