Dear ARRL, SVARA, MARC and BAARC Leaders:
It is with regret that I must inform you of the death of Mr. Steven J.
Block, KC8BTE. I would appreciate it if you share this information with
your respective organizations.
Steve recently accepted an appointment as the E.C. for Saginaw County,
Michigan and was concurrently appointed as the county's RACES Officer.
The appointments capped a half decade of dedicated service to amateur
radio and especially to emergency management preparedness.
Most recently, Mr. Block had been a key figure in establishing an amateur
radio communications infrastructure for emergency management purposes in
Saginaw County. Mr. Block Served as Vice Chair of the Saginaw County Citizens
Corps, an delegated its authority by the office of Homeland Security. He
was a charter member of the Saginaw County Emergency Planning Committee.
Under his leadership the county recently installed $6,000 worth of
antenna's at the emergency operation center. He also was a key leader in
designing a new hospital and emergency management radio network for which
a more than $22,000 grant was recently acquired.
Mr. Block was an avid supporter of the Civil Air Patrol and did his best
to assure that amateur radio and CAP coordinated activities within the
jurisdiction he served.
He just finished a term as President of the Saginaw Valley Amateur Radio
Association (SVARA). SVARA has been recognized as a special service club
by the ARRL. In addition to his activities in SVARA KC8BTE, also
participated in the Midland, Michigan Amateur Radio Club and the Bay Area
Amateur Radio Club of Bay County, Michigan.
Mr. Block died on February 21, 2005 and leaves behind two sisters. He
will be missed in the amateur radio community for his gentle sense of
humor and his many contributions.
73 de Joe Turner, K8CQF
ARRL Michigan STM