On Saturday August 10th, assistant EC's Tracy
Albert and Ron Huss set up the radio room at the County EOC
building. The room has been remodeled adding workstations and
lockable wall and floor cabinets. There are 4 multiband
commercial antennas installed on the roof allowing 2 meter, 440
MHz and 220 MHz communication. The room is currently set up with
two Icom 2 meter radios and a Yaesu 857D running 2 meter.
On Saturday September 24, Jeff and Ron continued work on the
EOC Radio room. Installed was an Alinco 220 radio with packet
board. A Yaesu 857 and 897 HF/ VHF / UHF radios, and 3
computers. Jeff also repaired one of the antenna connections.
The EOC is now functional on 2 Meter voice (4 radios), 220 voice
(packet in progress). Keith (N8XD) helped configure 2-meter
packet for connections to the State EOC. Future plans are
to add an HF antenna to the current antenna installation. The
Local Area Network, Internet and printer are also in the works.
At this time only Citizen Corp members with EOC clearance are able to
access the building unless prior arrangements are made with the
Emergency Managers Office. At some point, we need to add an HF antenna
some kind to allow us to use the several HF radios we currently have for
use in the EOC. Will have to work that one out with Tim and the other
EC's. We will ask for volunteers at that time if needed. |