SVARA Care Break
Labor Day Care Break - 2017
Saturday September 2 to Monday September 4, 2017

Care Break will be at the rest area on South Bound
I-75 between Saginaw and Bay City.
Photos Here

(photo by Dave, N8ERL)
Labor Day 2015
Sign up to assist
travelers, serve refreshments, make friends and have fun!
Our goal is to have at least two people signed up for each time slot.
You can sign up by:
Sending e-mail to: Mike Dougherty at
midoug@ameritech.net or
Gordy at g_schram@yahoo.com
include your name, call sign, and times you would like to
Printing a copy of the sign up sheet. Put your name and call sign in
the times you would like to work. Mail the sheet to: SVARA, PO Box 1783,
Saginaw, MI 48605-1783.
Contacting any board member.
Coming to the SVARA monthly meeting.
The Labor Day holiday will run from Saturday
Septemberr 2 to Monday
September 4, 2017.
Sign up today!

(updated 9/1/2017)