SVARA Field Day 2023
June 24-25 @ Kochville Township Park

Field Day 2023

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FieldDay Information Signup
SVARA FieldDay Checklist


The Amateur Radio Field Day is a time where Radio operators from all over North America (and some other countries too) set up portable radio stations and run them on emergency power.  Then they try to talk to as many other radio stations as possible.
Our Co-Chairs for this years event are Dave W8DW, Ron KC8YVF, Mike KD8MMH and Tom N8EUI. For more information, contact Ron at

SVARA Field Day 2023

The weekend June 24 and 25 is ARRL Field Day. SVARA will be participating in field day again this year. We will be at Elmer Lang Park in Kochville Township, this is off Mackinaw road behind the fire station about a half mile north of Tittabawassee Road. 

All are encouraged to come and participate. Station captains will be looking for loggers as well as operators. This is a fun event and a good time to get your feet wet operating HF. If you know someone that isn’t licensed and would like to give it a try please bring them out, no age limit. If you are a technician class licensee you can give HF a try. You can come out and see SSB, CW and Digital stations in action.  

We will be starting setup about 10:00 AM Saturday morning and any help is welcome. Setup can give you a chance to learn about setting up a HF station and maybe give you some ideas about antennas that you can use on you own station. 

Field Day operations officially start at 2:00 PM Saturday and run till 2:00 PM on Sunday. Bring your tent and stay if you would like. This is a great time to get those radio question answered or just have a nice eyeball QSO.  

Sunday around Noon we will be taking down antennas and packing up gear and would appreciate any help with that if you can come out on Sunday. 

I hope to see you all this weekend.  

Station captains we will meet at the site on Saturday morning at 9:30 AM and pick station placement. If there is anything you need call me and I’ll see if I can help you out.
Don’t forget to download the newest N3FJP field day software. The FD call will again be the club call K8DAC.

I hope to see everyone and hope that we all have a great Field Day. 
Ron KC8YVF and Dave W8DW


2023 Station Captains (as of 6/24/23)

Dave W8DW - CW all bands
John KB8PGW - CW all bands
Mike KC8MMH - SSB 20 meters
Ron KC8YVF - SSB 40 meters
Dave N8ERL - Digital 15 meters FT8
Tom N8EUI - Digital PSK31
Fred KE8QCO - Digital FT8


2023 Field Day Entry - Confirmation

Congratulations! You've successfully submitted your Field Day entry, as well as uploaded all required documentation. Your confirmation number is 25kaz2ka. A summary of your submission is provided below for your review, as well as e-mailed to you. If you have any questions about your entry, please contact the Contest section at

If you need to update your entry, enter soapbox comments or upload photos of your Field Day activities, please use the appropriate link below (also included in the e-mail sent to you).

Update entry/upload documents
Soapbox comments/photos


Entry received at: 2023-07-03 15:59:18 UTC

Submitted by: Ronald Huss, KC8YVF     E-mail:

Call Used: K8DAC     GOTA Station Call: (NONE)     ARRL/RAC Section: MI     Class: 7A

Participants: 7     Club/Group Name: Saginaw Valley ARA

Power Source(s): Generator

Power Multiplier: 2X

Preliminary Total Score: 3,766

Bonus Points:
Bonus Points Status
100% emergency power 700
Public location 100
Public information table 100 Documented by Public-Information-Table.jpg
Formal message to ARRL SM/SEC 100 Documented by Section-Manager-213-Message.txt
W1AW Field Day message 100 Documented by W1AW-Bulletin-2023.txt
Natural power QSOs completed 100 Documented by Natural-Power-Station.jpg
Safety officer 100 Documented by SVARA-Safety-Officer-Check-List-2023.pdf
Social media 100
Entry submitted via web 50
Total bonus points 1,450
Score Summary - Cabrillo log/dupe sheet file: K8DAC.dup
  CW Digital Phone Total
Total QSOs 295 259 50  
Total Points 590 518 50 1158   Claimed Score = (QSO points x power mult) = 2,316
Band/Mode QSO Breakdown:
  CW Digital Phone
Band QSOs Pwr(W) QSOs Pwr(W) QSOs Pwr(W)
80m 18 100 19 100 0 100
40m 165 100 63 100 39 100
20m 94 100 146 100 9 100
15m 17 100 31 100 2 100
10m 1 100 0 100 0 100
Total 295   259   50  


K8DAC's Contest Summary Report for ARRL-FD
Created by N3FJP's ARRL Field Day Contest Log
Version 6.6.7

Total Contacts = 607
Total Points = 1,164

Operating Period: 2023/06/24 18:44 - 2023/06/25 15:57

Total op time (breaks > 30 min deducted): 14:10:40
Total op time (breaks > 60 min deducted): 14:47:35

Avg Qs/Hr (breaks > 30 min deducted): 42.8

Total Contacts by Band and Mode:

Band CW Phone Dig Total %
---- -- ----- --- ----- ---
80-    18   0        19   37    6
40-    165 39      63   267 44
20-    96   9       146  251 41
15-    17   2       32    51   8
10-    1     0       0      1     0
-- ----- --- ----- ---
Total 297 50 260 607 100

States Contacted

Contact Map

KD8MMH Photos

N8EUI Photos

KC8YVF Photos


Field Day Video 2023 by Ron KC8YVF (you will need a video player like Media Player to view this video)
640 x 480 Video Size (458 MB)

Directions to Location:
Field Day is held at the Kochville Township Park.  The park is located off Kochville Roads between Mackinaw Rd and Center Roads.  The park is behind the Kochville Township offices and Fire Department on the west side of the road.

Elmer Lange Park