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2006 Metro
Youth Day (Wednesday, July 12) Belle Isle Athletic Field |
Thank you to everyone that demonstrated radio to The weather was cooler this year, and the kids were all very excited to play with the exhibits we set up. Gordon once again operated the Morse Code station, Bob and John handled the radios, and Jerry operated the oscilloscope. Previous photos (2005 Metro Youth Day)
Event Description This annual event held at Belle Isle hosts over 18,000 youth from Metro Detroit for games, contests, entertainment, sports clinics, and lunch. Several local celebrities and over 900 volunteers are on hand to ensure that the event is a success. The purpose of Metro Detroit Youth Day is to promote positive relations between the community, businesses, government and youth. In addition, Youth Day encourages youngsters to pursue college and motivate them to achieve their goals. MFBA sponsors college scholarships to assist graduates in obtaining their college education at this event. Metro Detroit Youth Day recently won the top statewide Community Action Award from the Governor's Council on Physical Fitness, Health and Sports and the Michigan Fitness Foundation. In 1991, Metro Detroit Youth Day received the Point of Light award from President George Bush and the Point of Light Foundation. If you are not an amateur radio operator, but would like to participate independently in this event you may volunteer, sponsor or register children for this event -- please contact the Youth Day office at 586-393-8800 Governor's Proclamation - Metro Detroit Youth Day Whereas, The 21st Annual Metro Detroit Youth Day, sponsored by many of the most prestigious organizations and businesses throughout the State of Michigan, recognizes that leisure and recreation are basic human needs and that youth must use this time to improve the quality of their lives; and,Whereas, Metro Detroit Youth Day, which will be celebrated on July 9, 2003, at Belle Isle’s Athletic Field in Detroit, is the largest youth event in Michigan emphasizing the need for physical education facilities and fitness, and stressing the vital component of good sportsmanship; and, Whereas, It is acknowledged that youth are a priceless asset to our communities as they continue to grow and prosper; lighting the way to a brighter future; and, Whereas, Metro Detroit Youth Day is intended to bring together the community and the private sector to enhance relationships and improve cooperation and harmony in our communities; and, Whereas, Metro Detroit Youth Day provides an opportunity for youth to participate in constructive activities outside of their immediate home areas, working with other young people and adult volunteers; and, Whereas, Community groups such as the NAACP, Detroit Urban League, Salvation Army, Boys and Girls Clubs, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, YMCA, YWCA, Focus: HOPE, United Way Community Services, Special Olympics, Detroit Police Cadets, New Detroit, Inc., and many others are participating as co-sponsors; and, Whereas, Outstanding and dedicated community leaders such as Ed Deeb of the Michigan Food & Beverage Association; Dr. Tom Moss, retired Detroit Police Chief; Keith Bennett of Goodwill Industries; Lee Stephenson of the Detroit Recreation Department; Sergeant Curtis Perry of the Detroit Police Cadets; and Dr. Lynne Boyle of the Kiwanis Club are co-chairing this event along with over 900 volunteers supervising the 21,000 youth expected to attend; and now therefore be it, Resolved, That I, Jennifer M. Granholm, Governor of the State of Michigan, do hereby proclaim July 9, 2003, Metro Detroit Youth Day in Michigan. |