is important for Amateur Radio Operators to keep track of their volunteer hours. Those hours are assigned a value and can be used as
matching dollars for grants and donations. In addition you can
earn awards and appear in the QST public service honor roll column.
The PSHR is operated on the honor system so accurate reporting is
important. Don't over or under estimate. All of the events
we where we perform a service to the community should be counted (even
if we receive donations.) SVARA doesn't operate any
fundraisers; though generous recipients of our public service choose to
donate to help perpetuate the service. We use all donated money to
make improvements to our public service capabilities.
A guide to the PSHR procedures can be found on the
PSHR webpage.
We have built a worksheet to help you organize your participation
Spreadsheet version to type in items:
PDF Version, to print and hand write in items:
Please turn in your totals to Ron Huss,