SVARA Field Day 2010
June 26-27 @ Richland Township Park

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Field Day Photos and Stories from 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004

Thank you to all that participated in this years Field Day. 
And special thanks to all the dignitaries that came out to give us some extra points.
       State Representative - Ken Horn                               911 Exec Director - Tom McIntyre

2010 Field Day Report from Dave , W8DW

Here is a summery of the results of FIELD DAY 2010 that was submitted to ARRL: 

Phone contacts             301      301 points   
CW Contacts               80        160 Points
Total Contacts              461      461 Points
Clamed QSO Score     922 Points

Multipliers for:
Emergency power 6 transmitters
Media Publicity
Set-up in Public Place
W1AW Field Day Message (Thanks Dave N8ERL)
Natural Power QSOs Completed (Thanks Mike KD8MMH)
Site visit by elected official
Site visit by invited serviced agency Official
Education Activity Bonus

Bonus Points Clamed 1450 points
Grand Total submitted to ARRL was 2381 Points

Not a bad showing considering the weather conditions on Sunday

Thanks to all who participated in field day, and to those who didn’t or couldn’t come out you missed a good time and should plan on coming out next year.


2010 Photos from N8ERL

2010 Photos from W8EAB


Directions to Location:
Field Day is held at the Richland Township Park.  The park is located off Hemlock Rd, north of M-46 in Hemlock, MI.  From Saginaw, go West on M-46 to the traffic light in Hemlock and turn right (North).  The entrance of the park is across the street from Hemlock High School which sits on the West side of the road.  This is a dirt road that leads back to the park.  The set up area is located in the grass area between the parking lot and ball fields.